I was first introduced to the power of the mind back in the 70s when I was a nurse on an oncology unit back in San Antonio, Texas. Two of my patients, I’ll call them Mr. Bruce and Mr. Bennett, introduced me to the work of Dr. O. Carl Simonton. It was also my first introduction to alternative medicine.
Dr. Simonton was a radiation oncologist who popularized the mind-body connection and the use of mental imagery in fighting cancer. Early in his medical career, he noticed that patients given the same dose of radiation for similar cancers had varied outcomes. With some investigation, he determined that patients who had a more positive attitude usually lived longer and had fewer side effects.
Mr. Bruce and Mr. Bennett used visualization through audio tapes that Dr. Simonton provided. They would visualize the cancer-fighting cells as Pacman, and in turn would gobble up the cancer cells. Both eventually succumbed to their cancers, Mr. Bruce to lung cancer and Mr. Bennett to colon cancer, but they lived longer than expected, had remarkable attitudes and remained positive. I was a young nurse at the time, learning many things from my patients. Mr. Bruce and Mr. Bennett taught me valuable lessons that I shall not forget. Do not underestimate the power of your mind and the power you have to influence your health.
Throughout my nursing career, I have re-enforced, rather than discounted, the placebo effect. When I gave a medication, it was always with a “this will decrease your pain” or “this will bring down your fever” or “this will take away your nausea”.
Some health practitioners denigrate the placebo effect. A placebo is a drug or treatment that has no therapeutic effect. According to Webster, the placebo effect is a beneficial result, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient’s belief in that treatment.
Norman Vincent Peale, a minister and author, wrote of the “power of positive thinking”. He saw it as the key in experiencing a positive life. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone promotes the power of the mind in the world of business. The book Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., a distinguished cell biologist, discusses scientific evidence demonstrating that all cells are affected by your thoughts. Even the Bible says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he,” and “All things are possible to him who believes!” Other authors, researchers, medical professionals and business leaders have promoted the idea of the power of the mind. Some may discount the power of the mind – I think they are wrong.
When you are faced with a health challenge, regardless of what type of medical treatment you employ, use your most powerful drug – your mind. Whether it is a cancer diagnosis or more benign such as a smoking habit, overeating or other addiction, go to your mind. Visualize, meditate, talk to yourself; there are many books or free information online to teach you how. Put sticky notes around your environment with affirmations to remind you. Enlist your friends and family to help keep you on track. Take note of what you watch and listen to – maybe turn off the news and blood-and-guts shows. Replace them with upbeat music and positive messages.
Don’t negate the power of your mind; capitalize on it. Accept the power of your mind; embrace it and use it to its fullest.
Marge Roberts, RN, MSHP, DAHom
President/CEO, Newton Laboratories, Inc.
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