The CPD Junior Police Academy will offer the two-week academy July 7 – 18 culminating with graduation on Saturday, July 19. The daily sessions will occur from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. and take place in the Conyers Police Department training room at 1194 Scott Street.
There is no cost for students to participate in the Junior Police Academy. The academy is limited to the first 20 applicants that meet requirements and are between the ages of 14-17. You do not have to be a resident of Rockdale County.
“We have found that the law enforcement field is one that fascinates young people,” said Chief of Police Gene Wilson. “The knowledge they can soak up firsthand from our officers, Explorer Unit and graduates of the Citizen Police Academy who are volunteering for the Junior Police Academy may be the key to introducing them to a career in law enforcement.”
Academy participants will have contact with the various divisions of the CPD, learn about gang violence, bullying, teen traffic laws and master fingerprint techniques. The Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office will assist with a tour of the Rockdale County Jail. For more information, contact Sergeant Peggy Dunn at 678-374-5603. Applications are available on the Conyers Police Department website www.conyerspolice.com and are due by July 3, 2014.
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