A few years back, I wrote a story about two of the most special people I have ever known. Let me refresh your memory.
As most of you know, I grew up in Rockdale County and had the privilege of attending school here. My fondest memories are of Mr. Benson Plunkett. I had Mr. Plunkett as a principal at J.P. Carr Middle School and then at Heritage High School.
Mr. Plunkett was tough, but fair and with a heart of gold. He loved the students as his own and treated us as such. He would love to pat you on the back for a job well done and knock you down to size when your actions were less than stellar. Above and beyond, he had our backs. We all rocked along with Mr. Plunkett. We enjoyed his antics, tales, and pipe smoke strolls in our halls.
Then one day it happened. Our tough, sort of loud, no nonsense Principal fell head over heels, pink blush, and all gushy in love with Miss Walters! It was the best thing that ever happened to Mr. Plunkett and all of us as his who know him. The man became a living breathing Teddy Bear; that heart of gold doubled and he just glowed.
Mr. Plunkett and Mrs. Walters married. They completed their wonderful careers enriching students in Rockdale County and went on to enjoy the most enchanting retirement a couple could hope for. They were always walking hand in hand, smiling, visiting friends, and loving a wonderful family.
When you were in their company, you were special and you knew in your heart you were witnessing an incredible love story. With great sadness Mrs. Walters left this world too soon, but the love story does not end. Mr. Plunkett carries the memory and love of this beautiful woman every day. His grief is pure but his love is magical. As long as he lives, she will be a part of him. What a story!
I have a very dear friend, Theresa Hamm-Smith. Theresa and I went through middle and high school together and have remained true friends as adults. For those of you that don’t know Theresa, she is incredible, with talent beyond belief, and a spirit of true faith. I just love her.
So, Theresa and Mr. Plunkett have their own story. She had the pleasure of having Mr. Plunkett as her Principal her entire public school life; she knew no other.
Mr. Plunkett and Mrs. Walters loved Theresa. They attended all her concerts and supported her wonderful God-given talent their entire married life.
As a final tribute, Theresa sang at Miss Walters service; how she managed is beyond me. It’s a true testament to her love and faith, and her love for this beautiful couple.
Recently, Theresa had a concert and I had a date. First of all, the concert was magnificent and why more people did not attend I will never know. This amazing artist is in our own community! Well, I went and I had the best date in town. I had Mr. Plunkett and for one evening I was the luckiest girl around. Music touched my heart and soul while I was with the kindest, most loving gentlemen in town. Yes, I had a date and memories of an evening filled with love both past and present. Here’s to you Mrs. Walters, your love is ever present.
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