The Philologia Lodge #178 held it’s Annual Meeting and Installation of New Officers on December 14, 2014 at their lodge location, 1005 Milstead Avenue, Conyers, GA.
Outgoing Worshipful Master Doyle Music presented checks to local charities totalling $3000 to support work in the Conyers community.
Rockdale Emergency Relief was presented $1000 to assist with their supportive services and assistance of food, clothing and financial dollars to Rockdale county residents. Andy Peabody, Executive Director for RER accepted the check on behalf of the organization.
Barbara Kilpatrick, Executive Director of Rockdale Cares accepted a $1000 donation to assist with their respite home located in the Lighthouse Village. This service provides caregivers of the developmentally challenged a temporary break by providing brief overnight stays or day supervision for their loved ones.
CASA, a child advocacy organization, located in Conyers and managed by Lynn Killman, Executive Director was awarded $500 to assist with funding their visitation center upgrades. The visitation center allows foster children a neutral location to visit with family members. Last year CASA served 271 Rockdale County children. Along with Lynn, Bill Miller, Program Director accepted the Lodge donation.
Phoenix Pass Director Marcie Howington and board member Allison Cason accepted a $300 donation to assist with the purchase of computers to assist women who are reentering school or the workforce. Phoenix Pass provides services for women and children in Rockdale County.
Mary Catherine D’Arcy from Rockdale Accountability accepted a check for $200 to fund award ceremonies for the graduates of their program. Rockdale Accountability works with community based organizations and the court system to ensure those facing judicial action are afforded an opportunity to reenter the community as productive citizens.
Following the presentations, the officers were installed for the 2015 year. Dan Payseur was installed as Worshipful Master, Landon Music as Senior Warden, Chris Gray as Junior Warden, Sean Duval as Senior Deacon, Brion Leshok as Junior Deacon, Greg Landwehr as Senior Steward, Richard Hembree as Junior Steward, Ron Ramsey as Tiler, Rob Boyce as Treasurer, Kevin Hyde as Secretary and Bill Weston as Chaplain.
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