I had to think long and hard about this column. I truly do not believe in making resolutions because I think we should always be a work in progress and continue to be better, healthier, nicer, and all of those things. No, I am not going to lose ten pounds the first week of January. I am not going to buy all the Kale at Publix on January 1st. I buy Kale all year round. Setting up for failure is no fun, so why do it? But I do have a resolution or wish, if you will, for 2016.
More than once I have spoken of Rotary and my Rotary Family. I enjoy Rotary. The Rotary motto “Service above Self” speaks volumes. Rotary stands for many things but something that I find most inspiring is that Rotary speaks to diversity, education, community service, and the very important ideas of tolerance and respect.
I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with a bright young lady from Iceland. This sweet, smart, and very beautiful student represents her country at the Rotary Club of Conyers as the Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) Scholarship recipient.Now I don’t know a lot about Iceland but what I am learning is very interesting. Seeing her homeland through her eyes is beyond amazing. I hope our students that travel to countries around the world speak of America with the same sense of passion and pride.
I know Iceland may not be perfect. For one thing, it is pretty darn cold and this southern girl would not survive…I digress!
What I am hearing and seeing from Andrea and so many of the GRSP students from around the world is a sense of community. They represent the idea that we are all equal, that we should work hard and dedicated in acceptance, tolerance and respect of all people. That while we may be of different colors, religions, and socially and economically different at our core, we are one people.
I understand that there are bad seeds in all religions, races, and politics. But boy, are we quick to jump on a bandwagon! I tend to blame the media for a lot but I don’t need to go into that now. Yes, we have problems, big problems. But should they all be assigned to one group of people? Should we make decisions based on one culture, race, or religion? I think not.
Aren’t we to be one of the most educated, progressive, and tolerant countries in the world? We, the United States of America, and especially the South had a civil rights movement, didn’t we learn anything? I am not saying people should be entitled. In fact far from it. Everyone should work, better themselves, and contribute to society in the best possible way, especially when given the opportunity to do so. And equal opportunity at that. No free rides.
I guess what I am saying is where have we forgotten to be human? Why have we become a society so quick to judge just because we see differences? I am thinking of all this not just because of a sweet young lady from Iceland, but unfortunately, because bad things have happened to very good people. We are entering a hostile, long election year and it is more effective and newsworthy to speak of meanness than to speak of joy and goodness. So, instead of a New Year’s resolution…well I wish for peace, tolerance and respect. Happy New Year!
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