JUSTICE MICHAEL BOGGS 2024Georgia Supreme Court Justice Michael P. Boggs will be the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Conyers luncheon Thursday, July 20 at Conyers First United Methodist Church, 921 North Main St NW. Justice Boggs will discuss Georgia criminal justice reform and our public schools.

Justice Boggs has been the Co-Chair of the Criminal Justice Reform Council since 2013 by appointment of Governor Deal. Prior to that, he served as a member of the initial Criminal Justice Reform Council for Georgians 2011-2012 as an appointee of the Chief Justice. He is a powerful speaker on the topic of the “School-To-Prison Pipeline.”

The Rotary Club of Conyers luncheon is open to the public. A buffet lunch service will begin promptly at 11:45 a.m. for a fee of $15 for non-members. Reservations for lunch are required by Thursday, July 13.

For more information or to make reservations for lunch, please call 770-278-7903.