Here are some of the fun pictures from our Dr. Seuss fun day at Peachtree Academy. Dr. Seuss’ birthday is Monday, March 2 and birthday fun was had by all. Students in Mrs. Grady and Mrs. Upton’s classes celebrated with a breakfast of Green Eggs and Ham. This week students will hear the wide variety of books by Dr. Seuss from The Lorax to Because a Little Bug went Ka-Choo to There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, the kids love the fun rhyming words that are so creative and exciting to read. Guest speakers will come in all week to help celebrate and enjoy the magic of Dr. Seuss and his books.
Nathaniel Ehret is Dr. Seuss, he is the child of Dr. John and Mara Ehret of Covington.
In the group photo, a private pre-kindergarten class enjoys the Dr. Suess book of their choice during circle time.
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