Front row: Bailey Jackson, Simone Wright, Simeria Rogers, McKenna Bryan, Savanna Giddens, Gemma Boyce, Nakyla Manuel Second row: Nilaiah Murphy Wynn, Talmeesia Hairston, Ayanna Wells-Brown, Jazmine Clayton, Madison Bryan, and Samantha Young Third row: Dr. Jessica Kidd DVM, Emrie Giddens, Tyrene’ Flannagin, and Gail Carrouth
Brownie Girl Scout Troop 14866 of Conyers GA started September off with the 7 and 8 year old girl scouts earning their Pets Badge at Conyers Animal Hospital, located at 1425 Klondike Road.
The troop’s leader, Dorthea Young and co-leader Mrs. Simone Bryan, said they were looking for a fun and exciting way for the girls to complete the 5 steps needed to earn the badge, which include: finding out what care different pets need, keeping pets comfortable, helping pets stay healthy and safe, making pets feel loved and feeding pets.
Jessica Kidd DVM and Gail Carrouth Practice Manager for Conyers Animal Hospital helped the girls complete all 5 steps. The evening started with “show and tell”. Dr. Kidd showed the girls a snake and explained how to take care of them. She also had a replica display of a dog’s mouth and teeth and girls were able to practice brushing dog’s teeth.
Dr. Kidd gave them a tour of the hospital and surgery suites before having question and answer time. They had a lot of great questions for Dr. Kidd, who has been with CAH for 14 years. “All of the questions were interesting and fun for me to answer,” said Dr.Kidd, “and girls were so cute I could not help but have a smile on my face the entire time.” The parents also had a lot of questions for Dr. Kidd concerning daily pet care, cost, and time commitment needed for pets they were thinking of adding to their family.
The highlight of the evening was the introduction of two special friends named Chance and Molly. Both are rescue animals who have been cared for by Ms. Carrouth for the past 14 years. Chance, a German Shepard, had been attacked by his own family members and left for dead when he was 14 weeks old. He was in intensive care for a week and one of his back legs had to be amputated. Chance was also left with a narrow chest and permanent damage on his head. Despite a rough beginning he is spunky, thriving and living a full life.
Chance is also an “Award Winning” dog, boasts Ms. Carrouth. He was named “Canine Idol” for the Relay for Life Dog Show in Jackson GA as well as being named “Top Dog” in the Bark For Life Dog Show in Walton GA. Also, he has been named “Dog of the Day“ and has been entered for a chance to be picked as the Grand Marshall for the Pink Pooch Parade, which will be held October 4th, 1pm-5pm in Olde Town Conyers.
The 15 girls also enjoyed spending time with a Beagle named Molly. Molly came to live with Ms. Carrouth and Chance when her owner was not able to care for her because she was too active. Molly is now mild mannered and can “work the crowd like a politician” as evidenced by the reactions of all the girls.
“The girls will never forget this experience.” says Mrs. Young. CAH is an amazing place. Dr. Kidd came to do this event with the girls on her day off. “Conyers Animal Hospital loves giving back to the community and if by hosting this event we have inspired the girls to be better caregivers for their pets and animals, we are all for it! This may also help them include Veterinary Medicine into future career choices,” said Ms. Carrouth.
Chance and Molly also visits nursing homes, schools, and daycare centers. For additional information contact Ms.Carrouth at 770-483-1551, [email protected] or visit www.conyersanimalhospital.com.
For Brownie Girl Scout Troop information contact Dorthea Young 770-316-4188.
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