RecyclingWorks America and Newton County Theme School at Ficquett (NCTS at Ficquett) is pleased to announce that an innovative environmental education program known as the TEPIA funway Project (Teaching Environmental Practices in a fun way) will be introduced to 112 5th grade students at NCTS at Ficquett, beginning this September 22, 2015. The mission of the TEPIA funway Project is to inspire students to manage waste, reduce litter, and control pollution in our communities, thereby, preserving our resources and reducing the amount of waste going into our landfills. The goal of the Project is to teach students, in a fun and exciting way, on how and why recycling works to create healthier and safer communities.
Did you know that according to the Environmental Protection Agency, in 2013, Americans generated approximately 4.40 pounds of waste per person per day? That means, this year alone, every four classrooms in our school district have the capability of generating over 500 pounds of waste per day or, even 182,500 pounds of waste per year. This waste, if not properly managed, could end up in our landfills. By making environmental education exciting, the TEPIA funway Project believes that this program can inspire and help to ensure that schools and communities become more environmentally conscious and reduce the amount of waste going into our landfills; and even help eliminate the amount of litter being discarded along our neighborhood streets.
During a three phase in-school training period, the TEPIA funway Project will provide the NCTS at Ficquett 5th grade students with fun instructional information about taking care of our environment and our communities. Phase one, will support the Georgia Common Core and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) initiatives through program lesson plans. Phase two, will promote the retention level of students and the values of recycling through the Recyclopoly® game board play; and Phase three, will inspire the TEPIA funway participants to display their knowledge of recycling practices through the “How High Is Your RQ?” competitive game show which is scheduled to kick-off this November to celebrate America Recycles’ Day – a day which was created to raise awareness about recycling and the purchasing of recycled products..
To promote a successful TEPIA funway Project, we need your help! We are conducting an “Adopt a 5th grader” fundraising campaign to raise monies to support gifts, prizes, awards, media costs and other operational program costs. All donations are tax-deductible. The Program is encouraging businesses, residents and community leaders to help reduce waste and litter in our communities by educating our youth. If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved and support the TEPIA funway Project and our schools, please contact Mary Darby, Program Director at 770-893-8861 or, email her at [email protected] You can also contact one of the 5th grade teachers at Newton County Theme School at Ficquett by calling (770) 784-2959 and leaving a message or, by emailing directly Mary Caroline Smith at [email protected] , Crystal Bruno at [email protected] , Shannon Graham at [email protected] , or, Amy Parker at [email protected]
We thank you in advance for your support and remember…Recycling Works, America in helping to imagine a world without waste!