Summer golf is not for sissies. It puts a whole new meaning to the phase, “I’m sweating balls out here.” I find myself wondering what else I could be doing? Pretty much anything seems to be the most logical answer – hanging out by the pool, strolling down the lake on a pontoon boat, lying on the couch watching golf, and shopping with wife. What!
Obviously, the sun can make you delirious. It’s not near as bad if you’re playing good. It’s amazing how that works when you start playing bad or get behind a slow group. You’ll start questioning your sanity.
There are some advantages to playing summer golf. The ball carries further and the fairways are normally dry so your ball rolls longer. That’s assuming you hit the fairway. Speaking of hitting it further, have you ever wondered why the pros hit 7 irons 200 yards?
Tour pros de loft the club face through impact; it essentially turns a 7 iron into a 4 iron. In reality, no matter how far you can hit a particular iron is irrelevant but knowing what distance you can hit a club is essential to having a good round.
Summer golf can be fun and sweating is not a bad thing. It’s a great way to get your daily water intake. I do not recommend trying to stay hydrated by other means. Gatorade and water is your friend. Although the other cold beverage being served on the beverage cart may look good, I recommend reframing until the nineteenth hole. If you play your cards right you’ll most likely be collecting from your buddies that did not read this article.
The moral to the story is anything is better than shopping.
“See ya at the mall.”
Till next tee time!
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