About this time every year I write pretty much the same story. Happy New Year’s, everyone out with old and in with the new.
I have never really bought into the idea of New Year’s resolutions, too many opportunities for failure. I do try to think about trying something new, something I can do for improvement-that kind of thing, but certainly not anything on a grand scale. For example this year I may try Yoga. I have nothing against anyone who wants to make resolutions and my wish for them is that they stick to the resolution and they would be happy with the outcome. The only time I can’t and won’t be supportive is when someone’s resolution gets in my way.
Case in point, I exercise. I exercise regularly. I don’t necessarily love it, but it is a part of my life and it is important that I stay as healthy as possible, or at least be able to control aspects of my health. So needless to say exercise and healthy eating is not a resolution for me, it is a way of life. Yep, you can see where this is going…
Took myself to the gym right after the New Year, parking was a disaster. Now, I don’t want nor need to park on the front row of the gym. That seems a bit counterproductive don’t you think? However, people were parked everywhere including all the handicapped spaces. Seriously! So I parked in East Peoria and pretty much got my cardio in before walking in the door. Other than it being 12 degrees, not too bad of a walk. Upon entering the gym, sweet Jesus! It looked like someone had opened the doors of a lab and all the rats ran out. There were people everywhere!
Now, I applaud anyone and everyone who wants to better themselves and get healthy. But on the average 9 out of 10 of the people there will not last until March. Maybe through Valentine’s Day, but I am not betting on it. So here is the problem. Not only is the gym crowded but when half of the folks there are using the weight benches to talk on the phone, text (or more importantly take selfies to post on Facebook), or generally just sit – I have a problem. Sit on your butt at home on your time, not in my gym on my time. I have work to do!
It is hard enough to make the time to go to the gym but it is important to me and so many others who go on a regular basis and not just in January. For the people that go all year, to have those that really are not serious or don’t want to continue to work out but take up time and space, it really is not fair.
So my wish for all of you ‘resolutioners’ – take exercise seriously. If you take it slow and do it right like the rest of us it will become a lifestyle not a resolution, one that you will feel so good about, and not something that you will give up on. In all seriousness exercise is so important and it will make a difference in how you feel not just how you look. Make exercise a real priority. Oh, and finally stop taking all the kale and greens out of the grocery store, some of us eat that year round not just in January! Happy New Year!!
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