Saturday, May 21st, was an exciting day for 16 local girl scouts of Rockdale County. The girls participated in the Rockdale Service Unit’s Annual Bridging and Awards Ceremony at Cross Point Christian Church in Conyers.

Mrs. Ruth Wilson, Rockdale County Clerk, and Brownie Scout Bailey Jackson from Diamond Girl Scout Troop 14866. Bailey is a 2nd grader at Peeks Chapel Elementary and has been a Girl Scout for 3 years.
The girls range from 1st to 9th graders and attend various Rockdale County elementary, middle, and high schools. Rockdale’s Service Unit Director, Miss Sandra Alexander, has been an adult Girl Scout volunteer for 13 years and stated, “Here in Rockdale we continue the Girl Scout mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. We’re the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. And with programs for girls from coast to coast and across the globe, Girl Scouts offers every girl a chance to do something amazing.”
Rockdale County Clerk of Court, Mrs. Ruth Wilson, was the guest speaker and did an amazing job encouraging the girls, parents, and leaders to continue the Girl Scout movement. “It is heartening to see these young ladies being nurtured with values like service, courage, fairness, and responsibility. This is where leadership begins,” stated Mrs. Wilson, who also assisted the girls with the removal of their current scout vest/sash prior to walking over ‘the bridge’ where their leader awaited them with their new level vest/sash.
Greater Atlanta Council of Girl Scouts of America’s Service Unit Support Specialist, Tenequa Wildy, was also in attendance to present the girls with High Honor Awards such as the Diamond Troop Award to GS Troop 14866 from Peeks Chapel Elementary, the Bronze Award to Junior Scout Sadie Moon, and the Silver Award to Cadette Scouts Baylee Moon and Kyla Stewart. Congratulations to all the girls.
One Response to “Rockdale County Girl Scouts Honored at Bridging and Awards Ceremony”
May 24, 2016
Dorthea YoungWhoot whoot !! Great job girls !