Your help is needed to support students in need in Rockdale County. Recent data indicates that almost 70% of the students in Rockdale schools qualified for free or reduced lunches this school year and 27% are living in poverty (GAFCP Kids Count). In addition, over 350 students in Rockdale County have been identified this school year as homeless (RCPS).
In partnership with many community organizations, the Rockdale Coalition will be hosting the annual Day of Connections on Saturday, July 18, at the Rockdale Career Academy. We will be distributing free school supplies and other valuable information to over 1,000 students and their families who are most in need in our community. Working with the local schools, we are identifying those students and families who are most in need to serve on this day. Your help is needed!
Please consider helping us provide our most vulnerable kids with the necessary tools to succeed in school. Funds are needed to purchase book bags for students served. If you prefer to purchase specific supplies needed, a school supply list is attached. Please let me know what item/items that you are willing to collect so that we can fill in that slot with your organization’s name. Working together, we can make a huge difference in the lives of many children and families in our community.
More information is available here.
Thank you for your assistance.
Michael Hutcheson
Executive Director
Rockdale Coalition for Children & Families
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