The Rockdale County Department of Transportation (RDOT) today announced the Georgia Department of Transportation will close State Route 212 just east of the Monastery of the Holy Spirit effective February 1st.
The closure will allow for the replacement of the existing bridge over Honey Creek. All through traffic will detour along State Route 20 to State Route 138 and back to State Route 212.
The County anticipates the project will last up to a year, and the detour will remain in place to all through traffic for the duration of construction.
Access to the Monastery of the Holy Spirit will remain open and unimpeded on State Route 212 from the west side. All traffic on State Route 212 from the east will need to follow the designated detour route back to State Route 212, and then travel eastbound to the Monastery entrance.
For questions about the closure, please call RDOT at 770-278-7200.
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