Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) celebrates National School Lunch Week, October 10-14, 2016, in recognition of the critical role healthy school nutrition plays in education. This year’s theme, “Show Your Spirit”, is all about bringing parents, students and school officials together to show their spirit for healthy school lunches.
National School Lunch Week emphasizes the fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy foods that are offered daily at RCPS. In addition to serving delicious and nutritious meals, RCPS schools will host special guest servers, such as community leaders, on Friday, October 14th, to mark this special week.
“National School Lunch Week celebrates the important contribution that school meals make to the educational process,” said RCPS Director of School Nutrition Peggy Lawrence. “Hungry children cannot learn.”
Over 4 million meals are served every year in RCPS, including breakfasts, lunches, after-school snacks, and summer lunches. These meals are vitally important to the health and wellbeing of the children of our community.
“School meals are proudly produced and served by over 200 school nutrition staff system-wide. They undergo rigorous training and ongoing professional development, and they are some the most dedicated, caring staff that our students encounter each day,” said Lawrence.
RCPS invites parents and families to join their student at school for lunch. To see your school’s lunch menu for the day, go
The federally-funded National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides nutritionally balanced, healthy meals to 30 million students during the school week. The program, which has been serving the nation’s children for over 60 years, requires school meals to meet federal nutrition standards which includes offering fruits and vegetables every day, serving whole-grain rich foods, and limiting fat, calories, and sodium.
For more information about your school’s lunch or National School Lunch Week, visit or
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