Rockdale County invites citizens to join its fundraising efforts to support the 2014 campaign benefitting the United Way of Greater Atlanta. The campaign encourages County employees and citizens to empower families and communities through charitable giving.
Rockdale’s fundraising efforts will also help local organizations such as Rockdale Emergency Relief Fund and Prevent Child Abuse Rockdale improve the quality of life of citizens. The public is encouraged to support the following events held at the Parker Road Annex, 1400 Parker Road, Conyers, 30094.
Pie-Throwing Contest
Wed., Oct. 29, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
For $1 per throw, employees and the public can toss pies at several County department heads and elected officials.
3rd Annual Rock Solid Community Walk
Sat., Nov. 1, 8:30 a.m. (Check-in at 7:55 a.m.) Registration deadline is Tues., Oct. 28.
The 4.2-mile walk/run will begin and end at the Parker Road Annex. The event, sponsored by Cigna HealthCare, is open to participants ages 12 and up. Pre-registration is required.
Registration forms and liability waivers are available online at Registration also is available by mail: Get Active Walk Coordinator, Rockdale County Human Resources, P.O. Box 289, Conyers, GA, or on site at the Rockdale County Human Resources Department, 981 Milstead Ave., Conyers, 30012. Registration is $13, and optional, pre-paid t-shirts are available for $7. The deadline to register is Tues., Oct. 28.
Again, all of these events benefit the United Way of Greater Atlanta and our surrounding community.
For more information, contact Doris Patterson at 770-278-7 580 or [email protected]
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