A public information open house to discuss the Hardin/O’Kelly Street Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) streetscape project detour is scheduled for February 16, 2024 from 4 to 6 p.m. The open house will be held at the Veal Street Community Center, located at 1160 Veal Street SW, Conyers, Georgia 30012.
The LCI project proposes upgrading Hardin and O’Kelly streets to include provisions for continuous bicycle and pedestrian facilities and to improve the operations of the corridor with the addition of a roundabout at the intersection of O’Kelly Street and Oakland Avenue. Streetscape improvements in the form of planting strips will also be added along the project. The proposed project length is approximately 0.77 miles, beginning at the intersection of Hardin Street and Dogwood Drive and ending at the intersection of O’Kelly Street and Green Street. Construction of the roundabout and replacement of a culvert will require a detour during construction.
The open house will be informal and allow the public to view the proposed detour, ask questions and comment on the proposal. Written statements will be accepted concerning the project until February 28, 2024 and may be submitted to Department of Public Works and Transportation Deputy Director Brian Frix, City of Conyers, 1184 Scott Street, Conyers, Georgia 30012.
The LCI program is funded by federal transportation dollars and communities pay matching funds to help cover project costs. The Hardin/O’Kelly LCI streetscape improvement project is projected to cost $5.3 million, of which $4.24 million are federal funds and $1.06 million are local funds.
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