Newton County today announced it has extended the deadline for residents who plan to continue using the County’s 11 convenience centers to purchase a vehicle hang tag. Beginning, Tuesday, Oct. 25, the County will require citizens to display a hang tag in their vehicle to use each of the convenience centers.
To date, the County has sold 2,960 vehicle hang tags with current sales totaling $148,025.
Residents may purchase hang tags Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. through the remainder of the year with the exception of county holidays. Tags are available for purchase at the following locations:
Newton County Fire Service Headquarters
4136 U.S. 278, #B
Covington, GA 30014
Newton County Water & Sewerage Authority
11325 Brown Bridge Road
Covington, GA 30016
To purchase vehicle hang tags, citizens must complete a user application and bring with them a current tax or utility bill or mortgage or lease agreement to show proof of residency in Newton County. Applications are available at each location and on the County’s website for residents who wish to print and complete it in advance. The County will accept personal checks or debit and credit cards for vehicle hang tag purchases. A 2.5 percent surcharge will apply to purchases made with debit and credit cards. Cash will not be accepted.
Residents also have the option to purchase their tags online and securely upload their documents to establish proof of residency at Citizens who opt to purchase their vehicle hang tags online will receive them in the mail within two weeks.
The new vehicle tags include a special number for tracking purposes, provide entry to all of the 11 convenience centers and will be distributed one per household. Citizens may opt to purchase additional vehicle hang tags for their family members for $50 each.
Replacement hang tags are $25 and limited to one replacement per household each year.
Tags will expire on June 30, 2024 or when the convenience centers close – whichever happens first.
Citizens who choose not to opt into the Convenience Center Residential User Fee Program may instead choose to pay for curbside service with one of the private residential garbage hauling companies operating in Newton County. A list of garbage providers is available at
For questions or more information, please call 404-922-1545 or email [email protected]
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