Are you operating in your “sweet spot”? Are you inspired? Do you feel powerful? If you’re like most people, chances are the answer is a resounding, “No.” It wasn’t that long ago when I felt that way too. I couldn’t reconcile why in some parts of my life I could say “yes” to all those questions, but could not when it pertained to my career.
It wasn’t until I had an epiphany one day that I realized why. When it came to my career, I was living in a box. Every Monday through Friday at 9 a.m. I would slide into that box. Every Monday through Friday at 5 p.m. I would slide out of that box. How did I become trapped? When I began to ask myself this question, this is what was revealed to me.
When you allow someone to define you by what you do at that moment, it creates a box. And when you accept that as the only definition of yourself, you become defined by that box. People spend careers – a lifetime – living in a box that has been defined by how others view them at one moment in time. Over time this box becomes limiting. This leads to frustration, wasted talent, and unfulfilled dreams.
When you view yourself as a person with “limitless possibilities” it does not bind you to one finite definition of yourself. You are not confined by one space but many. Those solid lines become flexible because you are a complex being with many talents to be arranged and used in an infinite combination. This leads to feelings of empowerment, self-confidence, and high achievement.
Living Beyond the Box is a mindset of viewing oneself with limitless possibilities.
It’s time for you to break out of the box and start living the life you were intended to live. Stop waiting for someone to give you permission to get back in the driver’s seat of your life. It’s time to do the things you already know that you’re capable of doing. In a recent episode of my video blog, “Coffee Break w/ Dr. Andrea”, I share strategies to help you break out of the box. You start by writing your “I am…” statements.
“I am (your name), and I am (list character attributes, purpose, etc.).”
This forces you to redefine that box to one with limitless possibilities. It’s a powerful exercise. Try it, and see where it takes you.
Be sure to join me for the next episode of “Coffee Break w/ Dr. Andrea” on YouTube. “Living Beyond the Box” is a signature workshop offered by IDG Vision Consulting and Training. It can be tailored to fit your conference or event. For more information on how to schedule it and other offerings visit Don’t forget to book your organization’s free Power Hour! training session during the month of February.
Stay Inspired!
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