It’s the end of winter and spring is here! That means it is time to do a little cleaning. My purpose for writing this article is to reemphasize your ABC’s….that is to Act- Believe- Create! These questions are for you! Do you honestly “know” YOU? When answering the questions try not to make them over the top or unattainable. Be honest!! This isn’t simply a mental exercise. This is a… get out a piece of paper…get quiet and be alone with YOU exercise.
How do I define: Success and Happiness
These must truly be YOUR definitions. Be honest-not sappy!
What would I do with…?
- More free time?
- Or more money?
What are your top five dreams in life?
Which area of your life, if any, have you been neglecting?
- Family/Friends, Career/Business, Spiritual, Financial, Health, Mental Growth, Social/Play
What are your “Top 5 Values”?
- Accomplishments, family, career, health etc.
Is your life in alignment?
- What values have you neglected?
- What is your life is out of balance? Or, where are you falling short?
- Whom have you hurt?
What are your top 5 strengths and weaknesses?
- What would friends/loved ones say are your natural talents/gifts?
- Why do client/customers do business with you?
Money making talents
- What gives you the greatest results with the least amount of time and effort?
- What activities do you do effortlessly, that energizes you, and produces extraordinary results?
Email me with your results and I’ll send you a 90 day planner. Good Luck
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