Hannah Seawell of Hiram, Ga., selected by Isakson to serve as Senate Page through June 9, 2024
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., appointed Hannah Kristie Seawell, a high school junior from Hiram, Ga., to participate in the United States Senate Page Program in Washington, D.C.
“I am proud to welcome Hannah to our nation’s capital and into the highly competitive United States Senate Page Program,” said Isakson. “I expect great things from her and know she will represent the state of Georgia and our office well.”
Seawell began serving as an Isakson-appointed Senate page on Jan. 30, 2024, and she will remain in the program until June 9, 2024. Seawell previously served in the Georgia State House of Representatives and Georgia State Senate Page programs.
Seawell maintains a 4.0 grade point average in her Georgia high school and was recently recognized as an honor student at the University of West Georgia through a dual enrollment program. She was the captain of her high school junior varsity volleyball team, the sergeant-at-arms at her high school’s Health Occupations Students of America organization and is an active member of the Crochet Club. She is also an active member of the College Republicans and a panelist for Georgia’s “Move On When Ready” Program in Paulding County, Ga.
The Senate Page Program is an enduring tradition dating back to 1829, when the first Senate page was appointed by Senator Daniel Webster. Female students began receiving Senate page appointments in 1971. Senate pages are required to be high school juniors and at least age 16.
Isakson is allowed to appoint one Senate page from Georgia per session and there are typically four sessions per year – fall, spring, and two shorter sessions over the summer.
Senate page duties include preparing the Senate chamber for sessions, delivering legislation and correspondence inside the Congressional compound and distributing statutes and amendments on the Senate floor. Senate pages who serve in the fall and spring also must attend academic classes each morning at the fully-accredited U.S. Senate Page School before reporting for duty on the Senate floor.
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