The Rockdale County Board of Commissioners (BOC) announced Tuesday the selection of Todd Cosby as the County’s Employee of the Year for 2015. Chairman Oden, Commissioner Nesbitt and Commissioner Williams surprised Cosby with news of the award at the BOC’s work session, which was met with great applause and support from his colleagues.
Cosby is the General Engineering Manager of the County’s Department of Planning & Development, Stormwater Division. He was selected out of four finalists as the individual who best exemplified exceptional customer service, outstanding initiative and operational effectiveness during the 2015 calendar year.
Rockdale County Planning & Development Director Marshall Walker nominated Cosby for the award. He wrote in his submission:
“Mr. Cosby was the only Engineer in the department for the vast majority of the year, taking on three additional position tasks as well as his own. While interviewing applicants for vacant positions, he continued to manage the Stormwater division and handle Engineering functions.”
“He took the lead on every project in Stormwater, including engineering design, computing hydrology calculations, ROW and easement acquisitions, writing contracts, construction management and more. Despite his intense involvement with every project, he completed over a dozen minor drainage projects, and was the lead designer for other projects. In addition, Mr. Cosby handled the communication for emergency road closures and open records requests, which are above and beyond his normal duties.”
The BOC also recognized and congratulated the other award finalists: Olandria Bing, Finance; Teresa Gordy, Juvenile Court; and Sue O’Neil-Roberts, Recreation and Maintenance.
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